Old Blood

What Hast Thou Done?: The Massie Affair

Old Blood Season 2 Episode 33

In 1931, a prominent Navy wife stationed near Pearl Harbor accused five locals of assaulting her after leaving a Waikiki club. This is the story of the Massie Affair, in which decades of racial tension surfaced in a sensational murder trial and threatened the Hawaiian Islands with martial law.


Black, Cobey. Hawaii Scandal (Waipahu: Island Heritage, 2002).

Creel, H. G. Hawaii: An International Crime (Girard: Appeal to Reason, 1915).

Hannon, Michael. “The Massie Case Territory of Hawaii v. Ahakuelo, et. al. (1931) Territory of Hawaii v. Grace Fortescue, et. al (1932).” University of Minnesota Law Library. http://moses.law.umn.edu/darrow/trialpdfs/MASSIE_CASE.pdf

“A Sailor Confesses to Old Hawaii Killing.” Life Magazine. October 7, 1966. P. 39 

Leong, Lavonne. “The Crime That Changed the Islands.” Honolulu Magazine. March 8, 2010. https://www.honolulumagazine.com/the-crime-that-changed-the-islands/ 

Linder, Douglas O. “The Massie Trials: An Account.” UMKC School of Law. https://www.famous-trials.com/massie/308-commentary

“Massie Case - 1932” The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection. University of Minnesota Law Library. http://moses.law.umn.edu/darrow2/trialsid=5.html#top

“THE NAVY AND THE Massie-Kahahawai Case: THE POT CALLS THE KETTLE BLACK! (Honolulu: Honolulu Record Publishing Co. Ltd.)

Stannard, David E., Honor Killing: How the Infamous ‘Massie Affair’ Transformed Hawai'i (New York: Penguin, 2006). And “The Massie Case: Injustice and Courage.” The Honolulu Advertiser. October 14, 2001. http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2001/Oct/14/op/op03a.html

“American Experience: The Island Murder.” PBS. 2005. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/island-murder/

Music: Dellasera by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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