Old Blood
The historical true-crime podcast that uncovers old blood with each new episode. Join us as a historian investigates history's most fascinating cases of true crime.
Old Blood
Little Demon & The Bloody Trunk II
The Gouffe Affair had attracted international interest by 1890, with the world wondering if Gabrielle’s defense could be true. Could someone really be hypnotized and compelled to commit murder?
Bogousslavsky, Julien and Walusinksi, Olivier. "The forgotten Gilles de la Tourette: Practioner, expert, and victim of criminal hypnotism." Le bâillement. http://baillement.com/recherche/gdt/gdt_hysteria.pdf
Bogousslavsky, Julien, Walusinksi, Olivier, and Veyrunes, Denis. "Criminal hypnotism at the Belle Epoque: The path traced by Jean-Martin Charcot and Georges Gilles de la Tourette." Le bâillement. July 15, 2009. http://baillement.com/recherche/gdt/criminal_hypnotism.html
Levingston, Steven. Little Demon in the City of Light: A True Story of Murder and Mesmerism in Belle Epoque Paris (Doubleday: New York, 2014).
Lochouarn, Denis. "XV- L'Affaire Gouffé." Doctor Juris. https://web.archive.org/web/20150722220540/https://sites.google.com/site/doctojuris/Home/pages-professionnelles/etudie/huissiers-de-justice/ici/xv---laffaire-gouff
Poisson, Philippe. Le meurtre de l'huissier Gouffé. Le blog de Philippe Poisson. September 12, 2009. https://web.archive.org/web/20150717025115/http://philippepoisson-hotmail.com.over-blog.com/article-35987097.html
Starr, Douglas. "Murder in 19th Century France and the Birth of Forensic Science." Gizmodo. October 14, 2010. https://gizmodo.com/murder-in-19th-century-france-and-the-birth-of-forensic-5662454
Stolze, Dolly. "The Mystery of the Corpse in the Burlap Sack." Sapiens. March 25, 2016. https://www.sapiens.org/biology/alexandre-lacassagne-forensic-anthropology/
Music: Credits to David Fesilyan and Luke Holizna
For more information, visit www.oldbloodpodcast.com