Old Blood
The historical true-crime podcast that uncovers old blood with each new episode. Join us as a historian investigates history's most fascinating cases of true crime.
Old Blood
Lawful: The Lynching of Chipita Rodriguez
In the middle of the American Civil War, a horse trader was found in a south Texas river with his head axed in. Following the discovery, the town sheriff arrested an elderly woman by the name of Chipita Rodriguez. Was justice served?
Abernethy, Francis Edward. Legendary Ladies of Texas (Denton: University of North Texas Press, 1994).
Correa, Tom. “Was Josefa ‘Chipita’ Rodriguez a Patsy?” The American Cowboy Chronicles. September 30, 2021. http://www.americancowboychronicles.com/2020/02/josefa-chipita-rodriguez-texas-bandit.html
Davies, Dave. “‘Cult of Glory’ Reveals the Dark History of the Texas Rangers.” NPR. June 8, 2020. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/08/871929844/cult-of-glory-reveals-the-dark-history-of-the-texas-rangers
Hebert, Rachel Bluntzer. The Forgotten Colony: San Patricio de Hibernia (Burnet: Eakins Press, 1981).
Givens, Murphy. “A black day in San Patricio when Chipita was hanged.” Corpus Christi Caller Times. April 6, 2017. https://www.caller.com/story/news/columnists/murphy-givens/2017/01/17/black-day-san-patricio-when-chipita-hanged/96556038/
Guthrie, Keith. The Legend of Chipita: The Only Woman Hanged in Texas (Austin: Eakin Press, 1990).
Jennings, Rachel. “Celtic Women and White Guilt: Frankie Silver and Chipita Rodriguez in Folk Memory.” MELUS. Vol. 28. No. 1. (Spring, 2003). Pp. 17-37.
Torres, Alfred. Jr., “The noose plagued Mexican-Americans, too.” My San Antonio. November 25, 2017. https://www.mysanantonio.com/opinion/commentary/article/The-noose-plagued-Mexican-Americans-too-12381761.php
Underwood, Marylyn. “Rodriguez, Josefa [Chipita].” Texas State Historical Association. https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/rodriguez-josefa-chipita
Wills, Matthew. “The Untold History of Lynching in the American West.” JSTOR. March 26, 2019. https://daily.jstor.org/the-untold-history-of-lynching-in-the-american-west/
1985 Texas Legislature docs regarding Chipita here: https://thewrongcarlos.net/wp-content/sources/texas-legislature-scr-14-69th-regular-session.pdf
For more on the lynching of ethnic Mexicans: https://utrgv.libguides.com/SCA/lynching (Research Guide from the University of Texas)
Lynching in Texas: https://www.lynchingintexas.org/
Music: Credits to David Fesilyan
For more information, visit www.oldbloodpodcast.com