Old Blood
The historical true-crime podcast that uncovers old blood with each new episode. Join us as a historian investigates history's most fascinating cases of true crime.
Old Blood
Blood Mail: America's First Kidnapping
In the summer of 1874, little Charley Ross disappeared after taking candy from a stranger. This is the story of America’s first kidnapping and the nationwide manhunt that ended in a deadly shoot-out.
“Charlie Ross - Gustave Blair - Nelson Miller” https://charleyross.com/
“Court Identifies ‘Charley Ross’ But Family ‘Disowns’ Him.” Evening star. (Washington, D.C.), May 9, 1939, Page A-5.
Duke, Thomas Samuel. Celebrated Criminal Cases of America (San Francisco: The James H Barry Company, 1910). Pp. 536-546.
Fass, Paula S. Kidnapped: Child Abduction in America (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997).
Hagen, Carrie. We is got him: the Kidnapping that Changed America (New York: The Overlook Press, 2011) and “The Story Behind the First Ransom Note in American History.” Smithsonian Magazine. December 9, 2013.https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-story-behind-the-first-ransom-note-in-american-history-180948612/
Ross, Christian. The Father’s Story of Charley Ross, the Kidnapped Child (Philadelphia: John E Potter and Company, 1876).
Schechter, Harold. “The Kidnapping of Little Charley Ross, 1874.” The Yale Review. May 14, 2018. https://yalereview.org/article/kidnapping-little-charley-ross-1874
Zierold, Norman. Defy All the Devils: America’s First Kidnapping for Ransom (Open Road Media, 2018).
Music: Credits to David Fesilyan
For more information, visit www.oldbloodpodcast.com