Old Blood
The historical true-crime podcast that uncovers old blood with each new episode. Join us as a historian investigates history's most fascinating cases of true crime.
Old Blood
Feral: The Dark Strangler
The Dark Strangler prowled the streets of Jazz Age San Francisco. His murder spree spanned nine states, two countries, and three years, resulting in the murder of anywhere from 22 to 31 women and children. This is the story of America’s most prolific–and forgotten–serial killer, Earl Leonard Nelson.
Esau, Alvin. The Gorilla Man Strangler Case (Altona: Friesen Press, 2022).
And "Murders." Alvin A. J. Esau. https://www.alvinesau.com/murders.html
Gribben, Mark. "Earle Leonard Nelson: The Dark Strangler." Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods. https://crimelibrary.org/serial_killers/history/earle_nelson/1.html
Schechter, Harold. Bestial: The Savage Trail of a True American Monster (New York: Pocket Star Books, 1998) and
And Ripped from the Headlines (New York: Little A, 2020).
Music: Credits to David Fesilyan
For more information, visit www.oldbloodpodcast.com