Old Blood
The historical true-crime podcast that uncovers old blood with each new episode. Join us as a historian investigates history's most fascinating cases of true crime.
Old Blood
Blood Will Out: Dolly & the Bat Man Slayer
A decade-old murder mystery unravels when a secret is discovered in a Los Angeles attic. Even in 1930, the press declared the mystery of Dolly and the Bat Man Slayer as"Los Angeles' most startling murder story."
Hapsis, Emmanuel. "Meet Walburga, the Married Woman Who Hid a Secret Lover in Her Attic for a Decade." KQED. 29 June, 2016. https://www.kqed.org/pop/27643/meet-walburga-the-married-woman-who-hid-a-secret-lover-in-her-attic-for-a-decade
Lardinois, Anna. "The Legend of Milwaukee's Most Infamous Love Triangle." Milwaukee Mag. 13 April, 2021. https://www.milwaukeemag.com/the-legend-of-milwaukees-most-infamous-love-triangle/
Noe, Denise. "Otto Sanhuber: The Man in the Attic Case." Crime Library. https://www.crimelibrary.org/notorious_murders/classics/otto_sanhuber/1.html
Rabe, John. "The Murderous Lover Who Lived In A Silver Lake Attic. A True Story." LAist. 15 April, 2022. https://laist.com/news/la-history/hidden-history-of-la-the-murderous-lover-who-lived-in-a-silver-lake-attic
Rasmussen, Cecilia. "'Bat Man' Case: a Lurid Tale of Love and Death." Los Angeles Times. 20 March, 1995. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-03-20-me-44878-story.html
Startling Detective Adventures. Vol. 5, No. 26. (Fawcett Publications, Inc.: Louisville). July 1930.
Los Angeles Times (Issues from 1922-1930)
Music: Credits to Fesilyan Studios, Holizna, and the original by Virginia Liston.
For more information, visit www.oldbloodpodcast.com