Old Blood

Dr. Strange: A Tragedy in New Orleans

September 16, 2024 Old Blood Season 4 Episode 62

In 1889, a father discovered his daughter dead at the home of Dr. Etienne Deschamps, a dentist-surgeon and hypnotist. Was the death truly an accident? Or was it, as most of New Orleans believed, a murder? 


Castellanos, Henry C. New Orleans As it Was: Episodes of Louisiana Life (New Orleans: L. Graham & Son., 1895).

Meletio, Donna M. “Leona Queyrouze (1861-1938) Louisiana French Creole Poet, Essayist, and Composer.” 2005. Louisiana State University, PhD dissertation. 

Pena, Christopher G. The Strange Case of Dr. Etienne Deschamps: Murder in the New Orleans French Quarter (Gretna: Pelican Publishing Company, 2017).

Tallant, Robert. Ready to Hang: Seven Famous New Orleans Murders (Gretna: Pelican Publishing Company, 2012).

Wozniak, Robert H. “Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Physical Research, 1766-1925.” Bibliographies in the History of Psychology and Psychiatry, A Series. 1988. https://www.esalen.org/ctr/animal-magnetism


New Orleans Daily Picayune

New Orleans Times-Democrat

Music: Credits to Holizna, Fesilyan Studios & Virginia Liston

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